#baseURL = 'localhost' languageCode = 'en' defaultContentLanguage = 'en' theme = "nightfall" [menu] [[menu.header]] name = "posts" weight = 99 url = "post" [[menu.header]] name = "about" weight = 100 url = "about" [languages] [languages.es] disabled = false languageCode = 'es-ES' languageDirection = 'ltr' languageName = 'Español' weight = 1 [languages.en] disabled = false languageCode = 'en-US' languageDirection = 'ltr' languageName = 'English' weight = 2 [params] user = "hello" hostname = "gohugo.io" sitedescription = "Minimal dark theme for Hugo" [params.author] name = "Hugo Nightfall" [params.styles] color = "blue" readingTime = true published = true # footerHtml = 'CC BY-SA 4.0, Built with Hugo and Nightfall theme' [[params.social]] key = 0 name = "github" url = "https://github.com/gohugoio" icon = "fa-brands fa-github" [[params.social]] key = 1 name = "twitter" url = "https://www.example.com" [[params.social]] key = 2 name = "linkedin" url = "https://www.example.com" [[params.social]] key = 3 name = "email" url = "mailto:email@example.com"